Friday, April 18, 2014

Riding in cars with boys: The Wags- Part 1

For those of you who don’t know me, I tend to make up my mind impulsively and then follow through with a single minded focus that borders on obsession. For whatever reason, this has not been a terrible thing for me. Of course I’ve made mistakes, but honestly, some of my best adventures started with a decision made in 3 seconds. When I was fifteen I jumped in a car with a boy, a boy I had never met, but who was “absolutely dreamy”. He didn't know it at the time but we were about to begin an adventure that would last a lifetime. We had barely made it around the block and my mind was made up. "I had to have him!" Impulsive? Yes. Dangerous? OMG yes. Lucky for me those are two key ingredients for an adventure. The very definition of 'adventure' requires at least a little danger and if you stop and think about the risks for too long you'll never do anything exciting. (But seriously kids, you really shouldn't get in cars with strangers)
Photo by Ashley McCormick

Fast forward 10 years. That same boy and I are sitting in our living room watching TV and this commercial comes on. I looked at Eric,“Babe, what kind of car was that?” He re-winded the DVR and watched it again...

“I think it's a Wagoneer” “Whats a Wagoneer?” I asked. “It’s a Jeep”  “Oooo I like Jeeps”. Once again, Eric didn't know it, but we were headed for an adventure. My mind was made up, I had to have one. For the next five months I learned everything I could about these old Jeeps. I searched endlessly online for one in decent condition that I could afford. I had $5000 from the sale of my Mustang so my budget was tight. Eric was actually the one who found the Wags. I was ready to drive to North Carolina to look at one, when Eric sent me a link from Craigslist. It was 1986 Jeep Grand Wagoneer that had just been listed.
: you don't like the gold wagoneers at all do you?
 me: let me see it
1:02 PM me: hey now thats not bad
 Eric: its local
  needs a/c work
 me: lets go see it!!!!!
 Eric: would you be ok with the color?
1:03 PM me: I think so... what do you think?
 Eric: its not my favorite but it has a good price
1:04 PM me: well lets take a look at it...
1:30 PM Eric: want to go tonight?
 me: sure
1:37 PM Eric: talked to the guy he said sat morning early 9 am
1:38 PM small oil drips, no gas in a/c which could mean it just needs a part
1:41 PM me: k
1:46 PM Ive got an FNGLA thing (the landscape show) at some point on Saturday I think
2:12 PM Eric: well if its good then you can drive your wagoneer to it

2:19 PMme: not likely without ac

It was dented, needed a paint job and the AC was busted. But the leather was in near perfect condition, there was no rust on the frame, it ran and it was in Sanford, FL. The guy wanted $4000 for it. I talked him down to $2400.

I drove it home, windows down sweating like crazy but smiling the whole way! I felt like everyone I drove past was admiring my beautiful Jeep. I remember we stopped at Publix on the way home that day. The floppy haired kid who walked us out, asked what year it was. Beaming with pride I told him “It’s a 1986”. Before I could finish with “It’s exactly as old as I am” the kid said “WOW that is OLD”. He went on to say “Well I guess it gets you from point A to point B.” I quickly gave him a lesson on what an “American Classic” was.
I had only owned this car for 45 minutes and I was already passionately defending it's honor.
Don't mess with our Jeep! Photo by Ashley McCormick

It's funny how Wagoneer owners are all so similar. We are uniquely traditional. We love our trucks with a devotion usually reserved for ones own child. Every now and then you may find a dude that really loves his Ford, or perhaps a girl that is totally obsessed with her Subaru. You cannot, however, make a blanket statement that ALL Ford owners love their trucks like their child. I can say with near certainty that you will never meet a Grand Wagoneer owner who is not completely bonkers about their car. So that's how the adventure began. Over the next six months Eric and I, with the help some friends and family, proceeded to give my American Classic a complete makeover. It took way longer and we spent twice as much money as we originally planned, but we learned a lot. A lot about Jeeps and a lot about each other. (Is it just me or does that last sentence sound like the makings of a great a country song?)

Ashley captures the most gorgeous images.

Now I figure if you're anything like me, you just can't get enough of this Jeep! I'm breaking this into at least a 2 part post, because there is just so much to say about the Wags. Later I'll explain how we went from...

Obviously Ashley took this one too!

Friday, April 4, 2014

We came, we saw, we left without an Airstream

I'm starting to feel like Goldilocks. One Airsteam we looked at was too small, another too expensive, and another was just a big DIY disaster! Major letdown, but I guess it is good for us to see the gamut of Airstreams out there. I think knowing what you don't want helps you figure out what you do want.

We do NOT want a small Airstream! Now we know for sure we have to have a 31ft. I was honestly considering smaller ones until we looked at some 23-25ft trailers. The smaller ones are much more boat-like than I had thought.The first one we looked at was a 23ft and let me tell you as soon as I walked in I thought "OMG what were we thinking... I can't do this!" One look at the bathroom in the 23ft and I knew there was no way we could live in something that small! The 25ft was a little better and the 31ft that we looked at felt way more comfortable! So no Airstream yet, but we have a much better idea of what we are looking for now. 

I was just informed that there is a man digging up my front yard with a backhoe. I'll let you know how that goes... 

We have had yet another hiccup in the sale of our house. Our buyers original lender denied their loan because of a recent change in their place of employment. Tim called with the bad news on Tuesday. The possibility of having to re-stage the house and put it back on the market seems horribly daunting, but I wasn’t that upset. With the tales of my previous panic attacks, this may seem like a contradiction, but I am actually a pretty optimistic person. Sure, I have moments of doubt (where I cry, and it all quite dramatic) but most of the time I’m fairly certain everything is going to be okay. By Thursday our buyers had a new lender and we had signed another addendum extending the contract a bit. So see, no worries!

Photo by the lovely Ashely McCormick

Just as a heads up my next post will be dedicated to my Jeep, so get excited!