Friday, April 4, 2014

We came, we saw, we left without an Airstream

I'm starting to feel like Goldilocks. One Airsteam we looked at was too small, another too expensive, and another was just a big DIY disaster! Major letdown, but I guess it is good for us to see the gamut of Airstreams out there. I think knowing what you don't want helps you figure out what you do want.

We do NOT want a small Airstream! Now we know for sure we have to have a 31ft. I was honestly considering smaller ones until we looked at some 23-25ft trailers. The smaller ones are much more boat-like than I had thought.The first one we looked at was a 23ft and let me tell you as soon as I walked in I thought "OMG what were we thinking... I can't do this!" One look at the bathroom in the 23ft and I knew there was no way we could live in something that small! The 25ft was a little better and the 31ft that we looked at felt way more comfortable! So no Airstream yet, but we have a much better idea of what we are looking for now. 

I was just informed that there is a man digging up my front yard with a backhoe. I'll let you know how that goes... 

We have had yet another hiccup in the sale of our house. Our buyers original lender denied their loan because of a recent change in their place of employment. Tim called with the bad news on Tuesday. The possibility of having to re-stage the house and put it back on the market seems horribly daunting, but I wasn’t that upset. With the tales of my previous panic attacks, this may seem like a contradiction, but I am actually a pretty optimistic person. Sure, I have moments of doubt (where I cry, and it all quite dramatic) but most of the time I’m fairly certain everything is going to be okay. By Thursday our buyers had a new lender and we had signed another addendum extending the contract a bit. So see, no worries!

Photo by the lovely Ashely McCormick

Just as a heads up my next post will be dedicated to my Jeep, so get excited!

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